Every time I look for a granola bar recipe, I get frustrated. I have lots of ingredients to make granola bars, but none of the recipes I find have those things in them, or they have a couple of items that I don't have on hand. So I totally guessed. I used what I had, threw it together with no rhyme or reason, and they turned out! How about that? I used many of the recipes as inspiration of what to put in, but the measurements were completely random. I know this isn't a recipe, but this is how I did it, and these are the kind of "recipes" I like to follow. Use what you got!
I used:
rolled oats
crushed Chex cereal
unsweetened coconut
flax seed
chopped peanuts
cinnamon with sugar
brown sugar
chopped fair trade chocolate
LOTS of honey
maple syrup
Oven at 350
I started out with my main ingredients, oats, coconut, raisins, with my baking dish next to me as a volume guideline. I then added the other dry ingredients based on what looked like enough/ used probably 1/4 each of nuts because that’s all I had left so I used them up. Then I put enough honey and syrup in to hold everything together, probably 1 part syrup to 3 parts honey. It wasn't really holding together, so I added some water, in the hopes that that would cook the oats and hold. I mixed it all well and pressed it into my 9" x 9" dish and popped it in the oven till it looked done (when the top was golden brown). I didn't keep track but it was probably between 20-30 minutes, just keep an eye on it.
I wasn't too worried about it not turning out because then i could just eat it as regular granola/cereal.
When the top was golden, I took it out and let it cool for 10 minutes, then put it in the fridge overnight. In hindsight, I should have took it out of the dish before, because it was a little difficult getting it out the next morning.
They tasted great and were a little crunchy on the top, and chewy on the bottom, best of both worlds.